BC rectifier solutions are two stage charging programmed fully automatic battery charging group.,. Devices in this group can be used for all batteries with the nominal voltagevalue 12V up to 48 V and designed to be used with small and easy–use batteries in plug and run format. Rectifier is a machine with microprocessor thyristor is used which enables battery to be charged automatically with automatically adjusted current voltage values without any intervention.Thyristor control prevents the battery from being effected by fluctations on the network and an extreme regulation would be obtained as well as protection from operator faults.The device has a panel where the operator can follow the entire process.There are LED indicators on the panel showing batter charge level and errors. Charging parameters are pre-loaded during production of the device according to the battery type which will be used with and these parameters can not be changed by the operator.
Also you can use our chargers for Nickel Cadmium and NiCd.
BC rectifier solutions are two stage charging programmed fully automatic battery charging group.,. Devices in this group can be used for all batteries with the nominal voltagevalue 12V up to 48 V and designed to be used with small and easy–use batteries in plug and run format. Rectifier is a machine with microprocessor thyristor is used which enables battery to be charged automatically with automatically adjusted current voltage values without any intervention.Thyristor control prevents the battery from being effected by fluctations on the network and an extreme regulation would be obtained as well as protection from operator faults.The device has a panel where the operator can follow the entire process.There are LED indicators on the panel showing batter charge level and errors. Charging parameters are pre-loaded during production of the device according to the battery type which will be used with and these parameters can not be changed by the operator.
Also you can use our chargers for Nickel Cadmium and NiCd.
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